Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


The school that changed a family

[photo courtesy of the Timor-Leste Adventist International School]

When Allan and Aquilina’s son was old enough to start their studies, they knew they wanted to enroll him in an international school. They tried looking around but was discouraged after realizing that they would not be able to afford the fees these schools require.

One day, while Allan was walking along the busy streets of Dili, he came across Timor-Leste Adventist International School (TAIS). When he saw the school sign, he went straight to the school office and asked for information. He was pleased to find out that the tuition fees work within their means, which encouraged Allan to enroll his son Bino immediately.

In school, Bino attended the kindergarten class and started learning English. Allan and Aquilina, on the other hand, began getting to know some parents and families from the church. Prior to enrolling Bino in TAIS, the couple had previous interactions with Adventists. Allan worked with an Adventist when he was assigned in the Philippines several years ago. Aquilina, on the other hand, have an Adventist uncle. But beyond these encounters, the couple doesn’t know much about who Adventists really are.

Soon after, the couple was invited by Bible workers and studied the Bible together. They attended the meeting regularly and began going to church on Sabbath. As they continue to study, they recognize the truth being revealed to them through God’s Words and realized that this is what they need to follow. Aquilina’s sister, Aurelia, also began to study the Bible and would attend church with them every time she is able.

In September 2017, after almost a year of studying the Bible and attending church, Allan and Aquilina decided to be baptized. Aurelia was baptized in September 2 together with other Bible students. Allan and Aquilina were baptized together on September 23. Their other son, Base started attending TAIS now, and their daughter, Rannie, will be joining the kindergarten class next year.

"I feel happy that my family is more peaceful. When we study God's word, I am happy because my family is better now than before,” Aquilina said. "We as parents feel happy that our children are getting a quality education compared to other school. TAIS is different because they're learning English and God's word,” she added.

[photo courtesy of the Timor-Leste Adventist International School]

After Aurelia was baptized, she started attending a health training seminar that was organized by the Timor Leste Mission. After completing the training, she joined the Global Missions Medical Missionary Volunteers. Since then, she’s been going around the city conducting health assessments, basic treatment, praying with people, and inviting them to study the Bible. This beautiful family that is now an active part of the church demonstrates the purpose of TAIS and Adventist Education.

Let us continue to pray for our school and the work in Timor Leste.