Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Provisions on the Island

Palawan, Philippines [Photo courtesy of Envato Elements]

Ed Marlon Daganta, an Adventist Publishing Ministries Leader (APML) serving in South Palawan, set out with 3 of his team to canvass in the remote municipality of Balabac Island, the southernmost part of Palawan. This area comprises 37 islands and 47 schools. During their four-day mission in Sitio Marabon and Sitio Matanguli, Barangay Bangkalaan, they experienced series of extraordinary events that affirmed God’s presence with His children.

An Unexpected Provision
Their adventure began when they arrived at the port of Buliluyan at 4 pm only to find no transportation available to reach their destination. They considered renting a boat, but the cost of 2,500 pesos per person was beyond their means.  With heavy hearts but a heavier faith in God, the four of them prayed, asking the Lord to provide a way if it was His will for them to proceed. As if in direct response, a local from Marabon Island came to pick up goods from Buliluyan, and offered them a ride. The cost? Only 1,600 pesos—a significant saving and a clear answer to their prayer.

An Unexpected Host
They arrived in Marabon at 6 p.m. Before they left for the trip, a fellow believer had suggested they contact a woman named *Sadia Inara, who could possibly accommodate them. However, they soon learned she lived on a neighboring island. Uncertain of what to do, they turned to prayer once more. “Lord, remember your servants. We do not know anyone in this place. This is a Muslim area. But we trust that You have prepared someone to host us.”

As they retrieved their belongings at the port, curious locals began asking about their purpose. The team explained their mission and mentioned that their intended host was on another island. One of the locals pointed to a man nearby and said, “This man has a big house. Perhaps he can accommodate you.” To their delight, the man agreed, saying, “You can stay at my house, but please excuse the mess.” Overjoyed, they assured him they would help with cleaning and cooking as a gesture of gratitude.

That evening, despite being in a Muslim household, Ed asked if they could hold a worship service. Remarkably, their host agreed, even allowing them to conduct a prayer marathon from midnight to 3 a.m., dedicating themselves to the work ahead.

The next day, their host, *Kuya Caloy, who was heading to the neighboring island, offered them a ride on his boat, saying that their intended host, Maám Inara was on that island. They sung hymns and read passages from the Bible and the Colporteur Ministry as they sailed, feeling uplifted and encouraged by God's presence. Upon reaching the island, they asked how much they owed for the boat ride, and to their amazement, he refused any payment. When they offered to pray for him, his companions laughed, but he agreed, despite being a Muslim—a moment that filled their hearts with joy.

A Warm Welcome
At Sitio Matanguli, they were again met with curiosity from the locals. When they mentioned they were looking for Ma’am Sadia Inara, the locals immediately sent her child to take Ed to school. It was clear that God was with them, using strangers to help them along the way to accomplish His work.

When Ed finally met Ma’am Inara, she found her busy working on grades, but she agreed to let them stay at her home. As they walked to her house, she confided that Ed was the third person to seek her help, and she had refused the first two. She continued saying, “What is it about you, Sir, that makes me feel at ease with you even though I don’t know you and this is the first time we’ve met?” Ed explained that it was God who had touched her heart, as they had prayed for her before their arrival.

Ma’am Inara mentioned that her husband, a protective Muslim, usually didn’t allow male guests in their home. She considered telling him the LEs were distant relatives but ultimately introduced them as “missionary brothers.” Her husband simply replied, “Take care of them,” welcoming them without hesitation.

Ed asked Ma’am Inara if they could use her tricycle to fetch their books and supplies, as they had no other means of transport. Her husband readily agreed. When Ed mentioned that they planned to visit the schools but didn’t have any motorcycles to use, she said, “That’s not a problem, sir. We have two motorcycles you can rent, but I’ll take care of the rental. I’ll give you 400 pesos to give to my husband for both motorcycles for three days.”

Blessings Overflow
After lunch, Ma’am Inara invited them to the school to present the book. She encouraged her fellow teachers to purchase them, even offering to lend them money. Through God’s grace, they received 51,000 pesos in cash and secured total orders worth 70,000 pesos from just one school.

On their first night at Maám Inara’s home, they discussed how those who are hospitable receive blessings from the Lord. Ed shared biblical stories, such as those of Abraham and the widow who fed Elijah. Incredibly, their hosts experienced this firsthand. When they arrived, the family had only six sacks of seaweed in storage. After their four-day stay, their storage was filled with 395 sacks. This blessing moved their hosts so much that they insisted the team stay with them again if they ever went back to the island.

The team’s hearts overflowed with joy as they reflected on how the Lord had guided them through challenges and blessed them beyond measure. As they dedicated themselves to His work, He provided for them in ways they never imagined. The truth of His promise rang clear: “He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

In just four days, the Lord blessed them with orders totaling 150,000 pesos. This experience has deepened their faith and filled them with gratitude.

*not their real name

North Philippine Union Conference Communication Department

The original article was published on the North Philippine Union Conference website.



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