Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Leadership Summit Urges Members to Embrace Christlike Service for Mission

[Photo courtesy of the SSD Communication Department]

The General Conference offers a recruiting tool to inspire Adventist members to engage in mission-focused service. The Adventist brand and identity are centered around not just any kind of service, but Christlike service.
“The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good, showed them His sympathy, ministered to their needs, won their confidence, and only then, did He bid them to follow Him.” We are called to reflect Jesus by sharing our faith through acts of service. That’s the Adventist brand!
Service is not a spiritual gift that some have and some do not. Created in God’s image, Christians are wired with Jesus' DNA of service. The church needs mission-focused, externally-focused individuals and communities, and not just an organization.
By creating more opportunities to serve and by nurturing more people to serve, the church can be more connected, relevant, and visible to the world. A tool that empowers us to do this, VividFaith is where organizations of all sizes—divisions to local churches—can advertise projects, jobs, and needs, and then recruit people for these positions. 

The Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” initiative has moved and prepared hearts ready to serve. Thousands of them have already registered as VividFriends, searching for a place to serve. However, there are not enough advertised positions to which they can apply. At the time of this presentation, there was 5503 registered VividFriends and only 272 advertised needs. The dilemma is that many ready to go, but have nowhere to go. 

Kline urged leaders in Southern-Asia Pacific Division to create projects and needs that need people and advertise these on VividFaith. She emphasized that if the church does not give our members places to serve, they will find a place outside the church where they can serve and make a difference. The church needs its organizations at all levels—from divisions to local churches—to make room for people who are saying “I Will Go!” 

To advertise your needs on VividFaith, click here to become a recruiting entity and advertise all your needs: volunteer needs, employment openings, remote jobs, and group mission trips.

If you want to serve, become a VividFriend and find your next adventure on VividFaith!.

Our Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

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