Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Leaders in the Southern Asia-Pacific Ready for Annual Year-End Meeting

[Photo courtesy of SSD Communication Department]

In the past 10 months of the year 2023, filled with diverse stories of hope, resilience, loss, and inspiration, one enduring truth has remained constant: the presence of God in His mission field. From November 6 to 8, leaders hailing from every corner of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division are set to gather at the Life Hope Center. Their mission is clear: to strengthen the church's purpose, exchange leadership insights, and celebrate the ongoing spiritual endeavors in this challenging region.

In line with Mission Refocus, a global initiative of the Adventist Church, the leadership of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division is determined to make this mission even more important. Their mission is to channel this force as a driving inspiration for the unwavering dedication of their division's members.

Preceding this pivotal event, commencing from November 1–5, distinguished leaders from the General Conference, Division Office (SSD), Union leadership, and various institutions will engage in a series of preliminary meetings and consultations. These sessions serve as a crucible for examining the facets of the church's work, fostering adaptability, strategic planning, and a profound understanding of the evolving societal landscape.

On November 6–8, the Year-End Meeting delegation will commence the Annual Council meeting. During these deliberations, the leaders will address church matters of paramount importance. Some of the items expected to be discussed in the upcoming meetings are the initial discussion and plans regarding the next five-year strategic plan for 2025 to 2030, the organization of new unions and mission fields within the division territory, and the division’s reinforcement of the Mission Refocus initiative in the coming year. These agenda items include the endorsement of pivotal decisions that will shape the course of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. Furthermore, it provides a unique platform to relay invaluable insights garnered from the global church to local organizations and institutions.

"The church is experiencing growth, but this development also brings forth new challenges, and the societal landscape continues to evolve. We must take a proactive approach to establishing platforms that will effectively bring hope and healing closer to the people residing in this demanding terrain," emphasized Pastor Roger Caderma, President of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. He went on to express the collective aspiration of leaders representing various organizations and institutions within SSD, stating, "As leaders, we fervently pray that, under God's guidance, our collaborative efforts during the annual council will bear fruit in advancing God's work within this region."

The Annual Year-End Meeting in November 2023 is poised to be a transformative moment for Adventists in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. It serves as an opportunity to reflect on the past, envision the future, and renew their unwavering commitment to the mission of spreading hope, faith, and love to all corners of the world.

Edward Rodriguez, SSD Communication Department