Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Global Ramadan Prayer Day

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian denomination known for placing a high value on health and well-being. One way Adventists show respect for other faiths is by recognizing and respecting their beliefs and traditions. Ramadan is an important time for Muslims all around the globe, and Adventists are no different when it comes to observing this holy month.  

Muslims fast from dawn to dark throughout Ramadan, foregoing food and drink as well as other basic demands in order to concentrate on prayer, spirituality, and humanitarian activities. Respecting Ramadan entails knowing the importance of this holy month for Muslims and appreciating their commitment to prayer and fasting.  

During Ramadan, the Adventist community is asked to respect and support their Muslim neighbors and coworkers. This includes not eating or drinking in front of individuals who are fasting, as well as demonstrating empathy and compassion for those who are fasting.  

Adventists acknowledge that other faiths' spiritual practices may vary from their own, but we believe in treating all people with love, respect, and understanding. We exhibit our dedication to creating bridges of understanding and peace amongst other religions by recognizing and appreciating Ramadan observance.  

Finally, we have high regard for Muslims all across the globe who observe Ramadan. We appreciate the importance of this holy month and make every effort to be helpful and understanding of those who are fasting and praying. Adventists aspire to create more peace and harmony in our varied world by developing mutual respect and understanding across faiths.

On this special day, we welcome our Adventist friends from throughout the division to join us in prayer. A moment to stop and reflect on the many benefits that life has to offer. Join us online from wherever you are in this area to be a part of a prayer movement that shows respect and honor to our Muslim neighbors in this part of the globe.

Our Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

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