Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


First Youth Delegate Joins Division Year-End Meeting

Ivetta Inaray-Hutabarat (center) stands alongside Adventist Youth leaders Pastor Ron Genebago (Southern Asia-Pacific Division) and Pastor Ronny Wenas (former Youth Leader of West Indonesia and current executive secretary of Jakarta Conference) as they proudly display the 'Voice of Youth' sign during the Southern Asia-Pacific Year-End Meeting. (Photo courtesy of Pastor Ron Genebago.)

Statistics reveal a striking fact: more than 60% of the global youth population resides in the Asia-Pacific region, accounting for over 750 million individuals aged 15 to 24. These young men and women hold a unique perspective and unwavering passion for spreading the gospel in our ever-evolving society.

Recently, the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) held its Year-End Meeting, where leaders and representatives from various organizations and institutions across the region came together for a three-day conference. It was mostly about finding ways to reach development goals through the Mission Refocus initiative and getting different Adventist Church ministries to work together more.

Among the roster of leaders at the conference, a remarkable figure stood out: a young delegate representative who has earned a permanent spot at SSD Year-End Meetings. This historic inclusion marks the first time that a lay representative of the youth has been invited to participate. Ivetta Inaray-Hutabarat, a dedicated young professional working with AWR Asia-Pacific and doing volunteer work for the Communication Department of the Adventist Church in West Indonesia (WIUM), now stands as a beacon of youthful enthusiasm and fresh perspectives within the Southern Asia-Pacific Division.

“It feels special to be the first, on a personal level, and significant, collectively, as a representative of the young professionals,” Ivetta said. “Being a part of the world church executively displays and resonates that the “Voice of Youth” is not merely a local witnessing program of Adventist Youth Ministries, but rather a core substance of the world church mission. It has been this way since the younger days of our church history through the young pioneers and will continue to be so as prophecy reveals the role of prophesying sons and daughters (i.e., young people) at the end of time. Praise God He has led our leaders to include us, young people,” she added.

The youth play a pivotal role on the frontlines of ministry, actively engaging in and driving church projects that reach communities worldwide, spanning both reached and unreached territories. This partnership between the younger and older generations, reminiscent of the mentorship dynamic between Paul and Timothy, not only fosters collaboration but also ushers in a harmonious marriage of ministry. In this partnership, seasoned leaders of the church serve as guiding lights, providing wisdom and support, while the youth bring vitality and enthusiasm, ensuring the effective execution of shared goals.

"Participating in the SSD Year-End Meetings has offered me a unique vantage point on the global scope of church work. My purpose here is not to identify shortcomings or prescribe solutions; I'm here to actively contribute my skills as a young individual to the broader mission of sharing the gospel with those who have yet to hear about Jesus," expressed Ivetta.

According to a recent report from the SSD Adventist Mission, volunteers and missionaries were mostly young individuals who dedicated their lives to missions in challenging areas around the region. They are front-liners sharing the love of Jesus with refugees, underprivileged families, and places where education and knowledge are scarce, providing healing through medical support and health messages, and above all, sharing hope and community. 

An increasing divergence has become evident within the church, causing a divide between the younger and older generations. However, this newly added young representative is a powerful symbol of breaking free from this divide. As Pastor Ron Genebago, SSD Youth Director, aptly puts it, 'This inclusion signifies a pivotal shift away from sidelining young leaders and, instead, offers them equal opportunities to have their voices heard and their contributions recognized.’

Following the example from the General Conference of inviting youth representatives to join the Annual Council Meeting, the division also encouraged union leaders to have youth representatives in union year-end meetings.

Edward Rodriguez, SSD Communication Department