Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Division-Wide Congress Concludes with Inspiring Resolutions and Renewed Mission Perspectives

Delegates march along MVC grounds as they proceed to the final few sessions of the Division-Wide Congress in the Southern Asia-Pacific region of the Adventist church. [Photo courtesy of Joesamel Tadlas, MVC Media Center]

The Division-Wide Congress 2024 concluded at Mountain View College in Valencia, Bukidnon. The event left a huge impact on its over 30,000 attendees, coming from various parts of the Philippines and countries within the Southern-Asia Pacific region (SSD). Throughout the campus, pastors stood at exit points, offering prayers to the delegates as they departed, reflecting the congress's deep spiritual resonance.

During a live interview that Saturday afternoon, Pastor Rudi Hartono Situmorang, SSD Director of the Ministerial Association, shared his impressions about the recently concluded congress. “I have never witnessed such a congress with over 30,000 delegates spanning islands. What struck me was the enthusiasm and hunger of the people coming to God. The worship started at 4 o'clock, and the church was filled with sincere worshipers; their commitment deeply touched me,” Situmorang narrated.

Reflecting on the event's significance, Pastor Heshbon Buscato, SSD Director of Communications and Media Ministries, remarked, “A congress remains a congress with a constant influx of people. This exemplifies Total Membership Involvement (TMI) in action—there is no delegation in God’s work. Each of us has a personal responsibility to reach out to others.”

The meticulously planned daily and nightly schedules kept participants engaged and enthralled throughout. Elder Erton Kohler, Adventist World Church Executive Secretary, concluded the congress with a powerful message during the commitment message, highlighting Christ’s salvific work on Calvary and its assurance of salvation. He encouraged everyone to stand firm in their faith in Christ's accomplishment for us.

Elder Kohler also celebrated the mission achievements of the global church and the sincere commitments of many members to actively engage in spreading the Gospel. The success of the SSD Congress underscored the dedication and effort invested by both the organizers and participants.

Elder Roger O. Caderma, President of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, emphasized the seamless collaboration among the Sabbath School, Children's Ministries, and NDR/IEL Division-wide Congress. "I commend the organizers for their exceptional work in integrating all aspects of the program," he stated.

Amy Redula shared her experience, saying, "Traveling from Luzon to MVC presented challenges, but the uplifting messages, music, fellowship, and interactions with our leaders left us deeply blessed—our journey fatigue hardly crossed our minds."

Despite the rainy afternoon, the line of vehicles stretched endlessly from Mountain View College to the exit points leading to Valencia City, as delegates eagerly headed home with newfound knowledge and inspiration from the series of plenary sessions led by guest speakers.

Pastor Nelson Paulo and Lesley Joy Estrella

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Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

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