Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


DeSouza: We are Called for Mission

The 3rd day of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division's Year-End Meeting commenced with a spiritually enriching devotional message. Sabrina DeSouza, Associate Treasurer from the General Conference, drew inspiration from a myriad of compelling stories of individuals in the Bible who were called for their missions, each facing distinct circumstances, formidable challenges, and hailing from diverse cultural backgrounds. She emphasized the profound significance of the divine call that resonates with every member of the church, highlighting the distinctive and unmistakable voice of God beckoning us to partake in His mission.

DeSouza redirected the focus of the delegates to the fundamental principles that underpin Adventist heritage and identity. She highlighted the enduring significance of the messages encapsulated in the Scriptures and the inspiring testimonies of biblical heroes. These core elements, along with an unwavering commitment to the mission, collectively form the unique and defining identity of all those who choose to follow Jesus.

The mission sparked the birth of a powerful movement as people wholeheartedly answered God's call. With each individual's response, the movement continued to expand and grow in size. The global reach of those who heeded the call has contributed to the ongoing expansion of the mission, making it even more substantial as time has passed.

Drawing inspiration from Isaiah 6:8, DeSouza delved into the profound nature of a life dedicated to mission and the inevitable challenges that come with answering the call. The mission field is undeniably challenging, but its inherent worth is encapsulated in the promise found in the scripture, "lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

Numerous biblical figures, including Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Gideon, Jonah, Peter, Paul, Thomas, Philip, and many more, initially grappled with their own inadequacies and hesitated in the face of God's call. However, they ultimately embraced the mission after humbling themselves and surrendering to God's divine plan.

DeSouza emphasized that God seeks individuals who are willing to become integral parts of the mission. He is not concerned with our abilities or what we can do; rather, He yearns for our hearts and our wholehearted surrender to His purpose.

Edward Rodriguez, SSD Communication Department