Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Adventist leaders in southern Asia-pacific region meet with Vietnam government official

Adventist leaders in the southern Asia-pacific region (SSD) met with Bui Thauh Ha, Vice Minister for the Department of Religion of the Vietnamese government, on March 23 in Hanoi. The purpose of this courtesy visit was to discuss existing Adventist programs for the community and future plans for expanded programs.

Ha welcomed leaders from SSD, Southeast Asia Union Mission and the Vietnam Adventist Mission and remembered a previous visit from world church leader Ted Wilson. The Vice Minister then praised the Adventist church’s community development in the areas of health and education.

The Adventist delegation shared future plans for greater community development. Leaders hope to obtain approval for a center of influence that would offer health classes and other programs of community interest. Ha responded that the government welcomes programs like this that benefit communities. In addition, they discussed a potential Bible school and a new place of worship for believers in the north.

As Elder Wilson did during his visit, the group offered a prayer at the end of their visit. The Vice Minister and his staff expressed their appreciation for the prayer and anticipation for future discussions.

[Max Langi/ SSD Communication Department staff]

Adventist News Network April 1, 2016 video show