Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Adventist Hospital in Manado Breaks Ground for Additional Medical Facility

Lisa M. Beardsley, Director of Education at the General Conference, participates in the ceremonial groundbreaking for Adventist Hospital Manado's new facility, which aims to expand its services and ministry in Manado. [Photo courtesy of the EIUC Communication Department]

On May 16, 2024, the Adventist Hospital in Manado (Ruma Sakit Advent Manado - RSAM) held a ground-breaking ceremony for its new Building C. This event marked the start of the third phase in the hospital's ongoing expansion of its medical facilities. The project underscores RSAM’s dedication to enhancing service and care through its healing ministries. The ceremony took place at the RSAM compound in Manado, Indonesia.

The ceremony began with a worship service in the RSAM auditorium, creating a spiritual foundation for the day’s events. Following the service, attendees moved to the construction site, where the ceremonial laying of the first stone symbolized the official launch of this major development in the hospital’s infrastructure.

The ceremony was graced by numerous distinguished guests, including representatives from the Manado City Government and the Adventist Church in Manado (EIUC) leadership and staff. Notable attendees included Mrs. Lisa M. Beardsley, Director of Education at the General Conference; Pastor Richard A. Sabuin, Associate Director of Education at the General Conference; Pastor Samuel Yotam Bindosano, President of EIUC; Pastor Ronald A. Rantung, Executive Secretary of EIUC; Mr. Jefry Ismail, Treasurer of EIUC; Pastor Ferry Rachman, Director of Health of EIUC; Pastor Dr. Danny Rantung, Rector of Klabat University; Pastor Cornelis Ramschie, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the RSAM Foundation; Pastor Agus Inaray, Chairman of the Board of the RSAM Foundation; Dr. Edward Jim, Senior Physician Representative of RSAM; Dr. Edmond Jim, Chairman of the Medical Committee; Dr. Danie Poluan, Director of RSAM; and several local officials from UKIKT.

Lisa M. Beardsley delivered an inspiring message, encouraging attendees to seek the Lord in prayer as they advance His work in the field of medicine.

Following her address, the ceremony moved to the Building C construction site, where the ground-breaking took place. This event marked the official start of the construction, aimed at enhancing RSAM’s medical service facilities.

The purpose of Building C is to expand RSAM’s capacity and medical capabilities, allowing the hospital to reach and serve more individuals in need of healthcare. This development is anticipated to bring numerous blessings and significantly improve access to quality medical care. As part of the third phase of RSAM’s development, Building C represents a major milestone in the hospital’s ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of its services.

The Adventist Hospital in Manado is one of five Adventist hospitals in Indonesia. It serves as a center of influence, dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and service to all its patients.

East Indonesia Union Conference Communication Department

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