Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Adventist Elementary Schools Unite for Evangelistic Efforts, Leading 244 to Baptism

Leaders from the Adventist churches in the Southern Asia-Pacific and North Philippines join in support of this spiritual milestone, resulting in the baptism of more than 240 individuals who accepted Christ in baptism. [Photo courtesy of North Philippine Union Conference]

The entire force of Adventist elementary schools in Mindoro united for simultaneous evangelistic meetings across the island, resulting in 244 individuals, both young and old, making the decision to fully surrender their lives to Jesus through baptism. Fifteen Adventist elementary schools participated in this initiative, which took place from May 19 to May 25, 2024, after the school year had ended.

The primary goal of the program was to train children for church service, preparing them from a young age to be involved in the church’s mission. It also provided an opportunity for them to learn more about Jesus and served as a way to reach out to parents, helping them gain a better understanding of the character of our loving God. 
One of the newly baptized individuals shared his joy at returning to the faith, this time with his wife, after having drifted away.

The pupils actively participated in the nightly meetings by offering prayers, singing songs, and ushering attendees. Their involvement inspired parents to attend every night to listen to Bible truths and witness their children's contributions. A significant number of these young people accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Dr. Bienvenido Mergal, Education Director of Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD), the Adventist regional headquarters in Southeast Asia, said that the program emphasizes Total Member Involvement (TMI), ensuring that everyone, including children, experiences the joy of working for the Lord. It also serves as a training ground to prepare them for the great work of sharing God’s love with others. 

Agnes Ravalo, Associate Education Director of the North Philippine Union Conference (NPUC), the Adventist headquarters in Luzon, who was also one of the nightly speakers, expressed her delight in witnessing the collaboration of the church, the school, and the home—all working together to spread the good news of God’s saving grace. "This effort has been a blessing to me personally. The impact on the school community is truly remarkable,” she said. 

The Education Department of the Adventist headquarters in Mindoro Island (MIM) organized the event, which was the first of its kind in Union territory, with the full support of the NPUC and SSD Education Departments. All Adventist elementary schools in the nearby mission field collaborated on evangelism efforts. 

Currently, there are 162 Adventist elementary schools throughout Luzon, with 15 of them located on the islands of Oriental and Occidental Mindoro. These schools aim to train young people for useful and joy-filled service and to foster friendship with God.

Melo Anadem Adap-Ong, Assistant Director for the NPUC Communication Department


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