Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Adventist Church in Southern Asia-Pacific Supports East Central Africa in Massive Evangelistic Campaign

Sweetie Ritchil, Associate Treasurer of the Adventist Church in the Southern Asia-Pacific region (SSD), speaks at a site in East Kenya as part of SSD's participation in the East Central Africa Division-wide evangelistic campaign, held from July 6–20, 2024. [Photo courtesy of Sweetie Ritchil]

Adventist delegates from the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) demonstrated strong commitment by joining Adventist churches in the East Central Africa region (ECD) for a major evangelistic campaign themed "Homecoming," running from July 6 to July 20, 2024. The series employed traditional evangelistic methods, featuring speakers at over 33,000 sites across 11 countries within the ECD.

ECD warmly welcomed delegates from the SSD as they participated in the Homecoming Evangelistic meetings. ECD leadership, along with local unions and church leaders, embraced the SSD team, demonstrating hospitality and unity in their mission to spread the gospel.
This collaboration underscores the significant value of unity and total member involvement, highlighting that the mission extends beyond local boundaries to reach global communities in dire need of God's message.

Pastor Roger Caderma, president of SSD and a strong advocate for unity and cooperation, expressed his enthusiasm for participating in this initiative to share the gospel of hope with every nation, kindred, tongue, tribe, and people. "Ministering to people outside of our territory provides all delegates with a broader perspective of God's mission. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zones and proclaim the gospel far and near, in any way possible," emphasized Caderma.

The SSD delegation expressed their gratitude for the honor of serving beyond their territory and engaging in this significant event. Meeting people from diverse cultures and languages was truly astounding, promoting connections and understanding across borders.

Delegates from the Adventist World Church (GC) were also present during the division-wide campaign. Elder Ted Wilson, president of the GC, led his team of participants from the world church and was assigned to South Sudan. According to a leader from the ECD, “Pastor Wilson’s visit brings spiritual benefits that strengthen the resolve of believers in the Adventist church in South Sudan. It serves as a reminder of the imminent return of Christ and the responsibility of every Adventist to actively engage in sharing their faith.”

SSD delegates were designated to various countries, including Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Burundi. SSD sent 13 delegates, including administrators of SSD and four representatives from the Adventist Church of the Southeastern Philippine Region (SePUM).

The support of SSD for ECD’s Homecoming Evangelistic meetings is a testament to the power of collective effort in advancing the gospel. This joint endeavor, part of the "ECD Impact 2025" initiative, aims to significantly enhance ECD’s outreach efforts and increase membership across the region. A key component of this campaign is the emphasis on Total Member Involvement (TMI), encouraging every church member to engage in both personal and public evangelistic outreach initiatives.

The delegation witnessed hundreds of souls responding to the call to accept Jesus through baptism, finding inspiration in the sight of individuals making a public declaration of their faith. This powerful testament to the transformative power of the gospel message underscored the success of the Homecoming Evangelistic meetings. The impact of this shared experience will continue to resonate, highlighting the boundless potential for growth and unity within the body of Christ.

Edward Rodriguez, SSD Communication Department

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