Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Adventist Aviation Indonesia Mission Pilot Gary Roberts Passes Away

[Photo courtesy of Adventist Mission]

Gary Keith Roberts, a mission pilot for Adventist Aviation Indonesia, has passed away. Roberts, who was known for his dedication and service, had a distinguished career that involved flying missions across the globe with the ultimate objective of spreading the love of Jesus through mission work and compassion.

Roberts served on missions in the Philippines, the United States, Angola, and South America. Roberts assisted physicians whom his father transported to isolated regions during his childhood. He participated in more than 1,500 eye operations, thereby restoring sight to numerous individuals who had been impaired for five to twenty years. This experience motivated him to pursue a career as a professional pilot, registered nurse, and airframe and power plant mechanic.

Roberts perceived his departure from America for remote locations as a sacrifice; however, he found it to be a rewarding experience. He assisted numerous individuals each day with a single aircraft. The aircraft were the sole source of hope for numerous individuals, serving as lifelines. He found immense satisfaction in knowing that he had made a significant impact on someone's life and frequently played a critical role in sparing lives.

One of Roberts' most significant flights involved the replacement of the aircraft that had crashed, resulting in the death of his father, veteran mission pilot Bob Roberts. He prayed for the countries he flew over during this voyage, many of which are located in the 10/40 window, a region renowned for its socioeconomic challenges and limited access to the gospel.

Gary shared his experience of becoming a missionary pilot for Adventist Aviation Indonesia in one of his interviews in an Adventist Mission video. He stated, "We have been granted the authority to spread the gospel to all corners of the globe, including your neighbors, those who reside next door, and those who reside in isolated villages. You may soon find yourself wondering, "How will they ever learn about Jesus?" And that will be achieved through the influence of an operation such as this, in which you enter and provide them with the necessary items, as well as share the gospel with them. Individuals who are prepared to trust God, relinquish control, and comply with His requests will receive substantial benefits.

Roberts was fervently dedicated to providing assistance to individuals in isolated regions, including pastors, missionaries, and medical personnel, who were transported to difficult locations where assistance was nearly impossible to obtain. His family's activity, in conjunction with his own, had a substantial influence on the communities of Papua and other regions that benefited from their aviation ministry.

Gary Roberts, his wife Wendy, and their daughter Charise relocated to Indonesia after the passing of Bob Roberts to continue his work with Adventist Aviation Indonesia. Gary Keith Roberts' dedication and faith have left an enduring impact on the mission field. The Adventist community in the Southern Asia-Pacific region mourns his passing.

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